Friday, February 13, 2009

Robert Indiana's Love Sculpture in NY

Today's post is in honor of Valentine's Day, Robert Indiana's LOVE sculpture located on the corner of 6th Avenue and 55th Street in Manhattan, NY.

Robert Indiana was born in New Castle, Indiana. He moved to New York City in 1954 and joined the pop art movement, using distinctive imagery drawing on commercial art approaches blended with existentialism, that gradually moved toward what Indiana calls "sculptural poems".

Physically the sculpture, LOVE consists of the large letter LO, with the O canted sideways, over the letters VE. The letters are red on their faces and blue on their sides. Robert Indiana’s Love image takes sculptural form in numerous locations around the world, from New York's Sixth Avenue to Taipei 101; the icon represents the centerpiece of LOVE Park in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Originally a design for a stamp, the image has been reproduced and parodied in posters, pictures, jewelry, greeting cards.

One of the first Love sculptures, created in 1970 of cor-ten steel, stands in the sculpture garden at the Indianapolis Museum of Art.

Sculpture versions of the image have been installed at these American locations:

Outside the United States sculptural versions of Indiana's image have been installed at these locations:

Other languages:

Happy Valentine's Day!