Congratulations to Don and Mai Plato, owners of popular Arizona based gelateria, The Gelato Spot, for their recent success in obtaining franchise standing. Don has recently reported receiving 3 or more franchise inquiries a week.
In 2003, I had the pleasure of working with Don and Mai on their Gelato prototype. From our first meeting their plan was to develop a prototype for roll-out. First to open a handful of company owned stores and ultimately to franchise. Our scope of work included: Naming, Logo Design (pictured to above), Interior Branding, Design Development and Construction Documents. Let's take a look back at where this Living Brand started; the drawing board. Following are some of the prototype sketches and interior finishes for The Gelato Spot.
Interior Color Rendering
Facade of a company store on Scottsdale Road in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Company Website: