Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Gelato Spot: Dessert Lounge of Italy

Congratulations to Don and Mai Plato, owners of popular Arizona based gelateria, The Gelato Spot, for their recent success in obtaining franchise standing. Don has recently reported receiving 3 or more franchise inquiries a week.

In 2003, I had the pleasure of working with Don and Mai on their Gelato prototype. From our first meeting their plan was to develop a prototype for roll-out. First to open a handful of company owned stores and ultimately to franchise. Our scope of work included: Naming, Logo Design (pictured to above), Interior Branding, Design Development and Construction Documents. Let's take a look back at where this Living Brand started; the drawing board. Following are some of the prototype sketches and interior finishes for The Gelato Spot.

Interior Color Rendering

Interior Finish Material Board

Facade of a company store on Scottsdale Road in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Company Website: www.gelatospot.com